Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Officially over it....

I simply cannot believe that the paparazzi chase these two plain jane lesbians all over town.

I would not even give these two a second glance walking past them.

What gives? What has Lindsay even done lately? Why is everyone so focused on these two? Why do we all clamor to see a picture of them?

These are the questions that keep me awake at night.

Well not really. It was probably the Grey Goose.

Lindsay Lohan is Magical....

Hey, maybe she can make a bra appear from the midst of all that smoke.

Oh, wow...

Just a slow celebrity news day and a really bad photo of Jennifer Lopez. Didn't know such a thing existed.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Denise Richards allegeds sex abuse

This is pretty bad. Everyone jumps right on Denise though. Saying it's not true.

It's hard to say for sure.... but you know, that sort of thing does go on. It's not unheard of. And Charlie is not exactly your average guy.

If Denise thinks something funny is going on she has every right to protect her kids.

And frankly, to be honest.... something is going on with those kids... and I don't think it's anything she is doing wrong.

Everyone is quick to hate on her but really what has she done that is so wrong? Fight tooth and nail on issues concerning her kids? Date a separated man that just happened to be the ex of someone she hung out with a couple of times? I'm sure there is more. But I don't think she's a bad person.

Anthony & Son

Anthony Kiedis and his son Everly Bear.

Anthony has already split from his baby momma.

He will never find a lasting relationship until he dates someone closer to his own age.

How much longer?

That is what I think every time I see new photos of Amy Winehouse.

She was just released from the hospital for a bad "medication" reaction.

Yeah. Most people have some sort of reaction when they ingest a maximum load of chemicals.

All I can say is pray for her. If you are into that kind of thing.

Rebecca Romijn & Jerry O'Connell are expecting!

Twins! Aw. That's great. I like these two.
They are low-key and kinda boring. In fact, I find that sort of refreshing.

Ali Lohan is 14 goin' on 40

Sorry, but I know most 14 year olds do not look like this. The hair, nails and make-up. Sexy, short, tight clothes.... The pushed up boobs!

I watched the Living Lohan show and frankly I found it exhausting. All the work and ass kissing it took to get Ali to even sing was ridiculous. This kid needed so much begging, pleading and cajoling just to stand up to the mic. Much less to sing. She is a spoiled rotten brat that has no clue as to what hard work, drive and determination really is.

She was handed such an amazing opportunity to make that album. And she was totally unprofessional about it. And those were the things we were shown. That's how the show portrayed her! So, you can just imagine....

Then you think about all the kids that really do have talent and ambition, that are willing to stand and wait for days on end just to audition for 30 seconds on American Idol.

Not really fair is it?

John Mayer cut off his hair!

It looks better, I suppose. Now if he could just work on his air of superiority.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Sherri Shepard just STFU, already.

Sherri Shepard gave an interview that revealed she had a lot of abortions. A whole lot of them.....

About the abortions she can't count... She said the full quote was that she had suffered a lot of shame and guilt and that “a wonderful woman at one of the women’s conferences I speak at came to me and said, ‘Sherri, you know when you get to heaven all your babies are going to be there saying, ‘Hi momma.”and it just kind of freed me and I knew that Jesus had forgiven me.

Um, yeah. Okay.

Those tiny little fetuses are going to pull themselves back together after being ripped to shreds and embrace her for all of those self inflicted disposals of their tiny little lives.

Sorry. I am not rabidly for or against abortion. To each their own.

Just not when you use it as a form of birth control. Stupid Bitch.

Screech is gonna tell!

Dustin Diamond (God, what a cheesy ass name) is planning to put pen to paper and write a no holds barred tell all about his years on Saved By The Bell.

Tentatively titled Behind The Bell. Screech plans to dish on all the juicy secrets... booze, drugs and behind the scenes sexcapades of the entire cast.

I can't wait!

I never thought too much about Dustin. That is, until he appeared on Celebrity Fit Club.

What a douche this guy is. And it is not an act, he is seriously a jerk-off. So, this book should be interesting.

Maybe he will finally reveal who taught him his signature move The Dirty Sanchez


What Wino COULD look like.

A close up of Amy Winehouse's wax figure.

Such a shame really. Amy actually did look like this not that long ago.

I hope she gets help. Sadly, I don't think she wants any.

Shanna Moakler & Kim Kardashian throw down!

Reportedly Shanna and Kim had a run in at Carmen Electra's bbq this past weekend.

I am all about a good catfight but it seems that Shanna is mad at half of Hollywood because her man has hit on every chick in town. It's like, Shanna methodically goes after each and every girl that has ever had contact with her ex Travis Barker.

Look, Honey. Get over it. Your man was a dog. Ya'll broke up every other day. And he took those opportunities to chase tail.

Apparently Shanna has some "inappropriate" emails/texts from Kim to Travis.

Kim says she modeled a few items from Travis's clothing line. That's it.

Besides, Travis does not seem to be Kim's type at all!

Show a little class by talking trash in a grown up way and not resorting to 8th grade taunts of..... "sheeeee's soooo faaaaaat"

Shanna said:

"I was at this bbq and I saw what I thought was a donkey posing on the stairs but much to my surprise, it was Kim Kardashian. No, wait, it was a donkey! She’s soooo f*cking fat! She’s 5′2″ and she’s like 140. She was wearing a sarong to cover her huge big ass! I like a nice ass but hers is not a nice ass! … I am far from a size zero but she made me feel Gisele (Bundchen) thin!"

Although I don't mind Shanna for the most part, I have to say she is a tad trailer trashy and she wishes she looked as good as Kim.


Dammit Janet!

This is screwed!

MTV plans to remake the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

I don't know how I feel about this. I hope they don't fuck it up. I've seen the original 78 times. Saved every single ticket stub. Participated to the hilt. Down to throwing toast. And rice.


Please MTV don't ruin this masterpiece.

Your Daily Amy Winehouse

Hey, at least it appears that she shaves her armpits more often than her crotch. As it should be.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Still locked up.

Amy Winehouse's husband Blake is still in the slammer. The judge sentenced him to 27 months. He's been in for 9 months, so he could be out in about 4 months if he does his time nicely. If he screws up, he'll stay the maximum.
Can you imagine how strung out Amy will get when he is back with her? You know he is going to go buck wild with the crack and stuff. It's only a matter of time before one (or the both of them) die!

Patrick Swayze is on the mend.

Patrick Swayze is gonna make it.

Since being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer earlier this year, Patrick has been receiving treatment at Stanford Medical Center.

Just goes to show you there is always hope.

Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes

You know...

Katie Holmes looks like crap. All of the time. Her hair keeps getting shorter. Her body keeps getting thinner. And she just looks profoundly unhappy. Like in this picture right here. Her and Tom. Posing. And she looks miserable.

I truly wanted to believe that their relationship was normal and real... but I am starting to wonder. Maybe it was a set up, arranged deal. I have nothing against Scientology. In fact a lot of their beliefs are simple and they teach a way of life that is grounded and good. But then it goes off in a whole other direction. And they get up to a lot of weird stuff. Really weird.

Poor Katie. I wonder if she had any idea what she was getting into.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Baby Bump Watch

Jennifer Garner and her baby bump.

For some reason, I like her. Not sure why, exactly....

I guess it was the time I watched her interview on Regis & Kelly. Jen's so natural and down to earth. She seems really nice and genuine. And she says she was totally dorky and nerdy in high school. Cute!

Dina Lohan and (son) Michael Lohan Jr.

Someone tossed water at Michael Lohan's pants.

And here I thought Lindsay was the family fire crotch.


Amy Winehouse is hopeful....

So, Blake incarcerated will receive his sentence tomorrow. Amy is hopeful that he will be released for time served. Blake's parents are hoping that he will be released to them and not to crazy, druggie Amy.

And Blake? He is hoping that he can finally have some of that freaky, junkie sex with Amy. You know the type? Choking her half to death.
As if walking around in a constant state of near overdose is not a close enough to death experience.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Look away!

Ugh. Completely nasty. And hard to look at. I can't even begin to describe it.

Be sure to note the coke booger, open sores and rotten teef!

Pete Doherty. Gross.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

It's The Weekend!

Get outside and move your body!

And check out the latest, newest song lyrics
Right here!
Hot songs
Withdrawn And Shaken Lyrics
Pete Doherty
Almost Easy Lyrics
Avenged Sevenfold
Death And All His Friends Lyrics
Closer Lyrics
Leave Out All the Rest Lyrics
Linkin Park
Big Booty Judy Lyrics
Ying Yang Twins
Don’t Stop the Music Lyrics
Facedown Lyrics
Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Thunder Lyrics
Boys Like Girls
Umbrella Lyrics
Free song list for your blog here.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Mischa Barton's Breasts.

Proof positive that airbrush can make anyone look amazing.

Katie Holmes has weird hands?

This is so strange. I found this picture over at Perez Hilton's site. It shows Tom supposedly holding Katie's hand and her hand looks, well... kind of strange.Now, lets think about this. That hand looks dark. There is a darker person standing next to Tom. But he is a guy and the hand Tom is holding looks small. Plus that guy is kind of far away and why would Tom hold his hand? All jokes aside.

Then again, it could be his son's hand who may have been cropped out of the shot. His son Connor is darker skinned.

Or it could be a photo shop, because the angle is a little off.
Or something is going on with Katie's hands.

The only reason I am giving this much thought is that it seems Katie has been hiding her hands lately. Like in this photo from earlier this week.

Weird, isn't it?

Jennifer Aniston is blah....

Jennifer Aniston is bra less and blah. She is one of those celebrities that everyone fusses over and I don't get it.

I don't like the long cut-offs everyone is wearing this summer. They look sloppy.

The only time shorts look good cut-off is when they are super short raggedy blue jeans worn on a hot looking chick with sexy legs and a nice ass.

Is that too much to ask?

Suck My Kiss!

Samantha Ronson blows a kiss to Lindsay Lohan.

I find it sort of odd that Lindsay is now gay. I don't know. It just doesn't seem genuine. I am guessing that when this whole thing ends with Sam (and I bet it will end badly) she will go back to guys.

But for now, Lindsay and Samantha seem happy together and that's all that really matters.

Jennifer Garner IS Pregnant!

It's been (sort of) confirmed that Jen is sperminated. 5 months along.

And here we were.... speculating that her marriage was on the rocks. Guess not, but where the heck has Ben Affleck been? Is he working on something? I haven't heard.

I hope she has a little boy that looks like Ben. That'd be so cute. One of each. Little mini me's.

Kirstin Dunst does not blend in....

Here's your daily dose of dirty girl Kirstin Dunst. Looking colorful and caffeinated.

Nicole Kidman looks amazing!

2 weeks after popping out that baby and Nicole looks great. I am sure she's wearing some "Spanx" under that outfit but she looks really good.

Wonder if she's had any more Botox now that she's not pregnant.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Say Anything

"I performed at a bar mitzvah. And I’m telling you, man, these little motherfuckers, they were singing my shit, they was cussin’, they were singing the dirty version. I’m talking about twelve- and thirteen-year-old little white kids singin’ this real gangsta shit. Man. I was shocked. I just gave them the mic and let them motherfuckers go."

Snoop Dogg


Jeff Conway and girlfriend Vikki Lizzi.
Watch Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew?
Loved it!

Vikki was portrayed as enabling and co-dependant. Jeff was scary coming off the drugs. Which he went right back on them after the show. He had to have a bunch of surgeries on pre-existing back problems.

Great show. I heard a new season will be on this fall. Jeff will be back on. I'll be watching.

Katie & Suri

Suri is still sucking on that bottle!

Can we say...


Just because....

I gotta post the Andy Dick mug shot.

Just because it's so evil.

Paris Hilton is gaunt!

Wow. Look at her arms! I don't think I have ever seen Paris this skinny. And it does not look good. She does have her push up bra on, though. That helps, right?

*You know you can click on the pictures to make them bigger... I don't know why they load so small.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Gisele Bundchen is Gorge!

Okay, I know this cannot be a for real outfit. Damn! Gisele has a fab ass.

Is Uma Thurman Pregnant?

That is quite a tummy bump there, considering she is otherwise thin all over. It could be she's relaxed, had a big lunch and let down her guard a bit....

Or she could be knocked up.

David Lee Roth Imposter!

Everyone heard the story of how David Lee Roth was pulled over by the Canadian police for driving erratically. It was reported that David was having an allergic reaction to peanuts. The police escorted David to the hospital and all was well... Until David Lee said he wasn't in Canada and he is not allergic to peanuts.

Someone was impersonating David. The impostor has been found and here is a photo...

Now I know David has been looking rough these days, but not that rough.

Pete Wentz is a fashion disaster....

Snug, red hip-hugger pants. And tighty whiteys.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Lily Allen & Ed Simon

Lily and Ed (The Chemical Brothers) out shopping. They were dating, then broke up and are now trying to reconnect. He was the guy she was with when she got pregnant last year. Then suddenly she was "no longer" pregnant.
Anyway.... someone needs to tell Lily that those jeans are not flattering.

Kendra is like, so not hot.

Ever noticed how horsey looking Kendra is? I must have missed it as I am rolling my eyes everytime she talks. This girl is totally duh. Slow and simple. And really, not that hot. She doesn't even try to sort things out mentally. And it's not an act. In fact, that is the only thing natural about her.

And if you want to read some more dirt on Kendra....

Click Right Here