Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Jennifer Aniston's Ass

You know it's her. I don't need to post the face shots. We've all seen her crotch before.

Look, even the soles of her feet are tan.

Bitch needs to get off vacation and get a life.

Dita Von Teese

She is looking silly. And sort of played out. She needs a transformation. Like, yesterday.

Samantha Ronson in a bikini!

Wow. I have never seen Samantha Ronson in anything but schleppy clothes. She actually looks bigger in a bikini than in regular clothes. Strange.

Here is Lindsay and Sam. On vacation. In bikinis.

Oh, the horror...

Verne Troyer.

...so realistic.

Really, what more can you say?

DJ AM First photo!

Wow. He looks damn good.


I wonder what Travis will look like? He was so heavily tattooed. But lucky to be alive.

Travis Barker Released!

Travis Barker has been released and is traveling home by bus. DJ AM (released earlier) also rode a bus home. Can't say that I blame them, either. I'll bet Travis will NEVER get on another plane.

I am very happy to hear they were both released so soon. I am sure they will have a long recovery both mentally and physically. Not to mention getting through the grief of losing the others in that fiery hell.

They got lucky, acted smartly by keeping their heads cool and their shit together. They were super blessed, to survive.

I hope Travis and Shanna get back together. Aw....

Hey, weird. Doesn't Shanna have a freakishly long looking hand in this shot?

Monday, September 29, 2008


Heather Locklear took too many "vitamins" and attempted to drive. She got pulled over and arrested. She was ROR this morning. The cops said booze was not involved but are awaiting test results to figure out what she was on.

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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Traci Bingham and her nipple....

Here is Traci Bingham. She is famous for?

She was sort of enjoyable on the show Surreal Life and very funny. Remember the "rubber chicken shots" she did with Chynna?


Anyway, there's her boob.

Christina Aguilera Blow Up Doll

On sale this week only: $29.99

And if you order right now you'll get free shipping,
butt (typo, it stays) the "handling" is up to you.

Iggy Pop is vertically challenged...

One leg is shorter than the other. I never knew that.

I am not much into Iggy. He scares me a little. Okay, a lot.

But there he is sporting a built up Croc. And a built up chick.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Amy Winehouse Death Watch

Man. Oh man. This is really getting serious. And bad. Fast.

It's no secret I have always enjoyed everything and anything celebrity for as long as I can remember. Yes, I will admit it. I used to read Tiger Beat.
Don't judge.

In all of my years I have never EVER seen anyone in this condition. Not any of those drugged out rock stars... Former child actors... Even Elizabeth Taylor held her shit together rather well.

But Amy Winehouse? This chick is seriously going to die. And it is a crying shame. She could have such a wonderful life. She is only what? 25 years old?

Some people can use drugs and some people abuse drugs. Most people cannot and have to stay clean and sober. Amy? She enters into a whole other realm unlike anything I have ever seen.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Nick Hogan is bounced....

Nick Hogan is getting out of jail 3 months early.

Good for him.

Being incarcerated for 8 months for a "car accident" has to suck ass.

Aretha Franklin.... so nasty!

Aretha Franklin is so freaking GROSS! All the time. Every single time.
Are those zits on her tits?

What is she thinking? Look at how those spaghetti straps are 3 inches sunk into her flesh.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sam DOES smile!

Everyone comments on Samantha Ronson's surly face. I figured it out. Usually when she is photographed she is just walking next to Lindsay.

Now look...

The closer she gets to the fire crotch the more she smiles.

Works every time.

True Love Never Dies....

But I'm betting it will overdose soon.

Blake Fielder-Civil has chose to stay in prison until the bitter end so he can reunite with Amy Winehouse.

He was offered a deal a while back to be released into his Mother's care. He said no... Next he was offered early release if he went to rehab. He said

...no, no, no.

I mean c'mon. Dude. Have you looked at Amy these days? Oh well, he's no prize, either. I give them 24 hours before something tragic happens.

Monday, September 22, 2008

A blown tire?

Copied and pasted:

Experts are saying that a blown tire may have been the cause of the shocking plane crash that has left Travis Barker and DJ AM in the hospital and four others dead.

National Transportation Safety Board member Debbie Hersman said that a voice on the cockpit recording can be heard responding to a blown tire. The crew intended to abort takeoff when they heard a sound consistent with a blown tire. At that point, the pilot and co-pilot may have had mere seconds to react.

While nothing is certain yet, pieces of tire were found on the runway 2,800 feet down the 6,800 feet long runway. The tiny Learjet - which is so small that it cannot complete direct transoceanic flights - may have already been traveling 90mph when it lost the tire, and quickly losing runway, the crew would have had only moments to decide whether to abort or take off.
The plane requires at least 5,000 feet to get airborne, and at a top speed of 138mph, that runaway goes in the blink of an eye.

The recording also indicates that attempts to get off the ground had failed, sending the plan careening off the runway, into a fence, across a highway and into an embankment, bursting into flames.

Travis and DJ AM received support from fans this weekend, who gathered outside the hospital with signs of inspiration.

Investigations continue to determine the exact cause and timeline of the accident. In the meantime, Dr. Mullins adds, "Anybody who can survive a plane crash is pretty lucky."

Discount Perfume and Cologne

Please take a moment to check out one of my latest links.

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Plane Crash Update

Shoot down those false rumors as much as possible:

A publicist for Travis Barker and DJ AM says sources are incorrect -- that Chris Baker's wife was not in labor when he died in the plane crash and that was not the reason Travis and the others flew home on a private jet.

The publicist adds, "Both Travis Barker and Adam Goldstein (DJ AM) are in critical but stable condition and are being treated at Joseph M. Still Burn Center in Augusta, Georgia after surviving a plane crash late last night in Columbia, South Carolina.

The hospital will issue a statement with an update on their condition at 9:00 am eastern time tomorrow. Due to the nature of the injuries and the evolving course of treatment no further information on their condition is available at this time.

Friday, September 19, 2008

P. Diddy steps in shit!

Ha!! Now we can call him P. Doggy.

Loose Girl Pam Anderson

Pam Anderson went out on a "date" with this "guy"

...you just know it's Wacko Jacko.

How fucking ridiculous? Pam overdoses on drugs and alcohol and Michael Jackson overdoses on skin bleaching.

It's a match made in heaven if you ask me.

Mischa Barton Boob

I guess I'll put this up. From the other day. Mischa Barton's boob. Boring and kinda yucky looking. And the ONLY reason I am even posting about her.... 'cause there is her boob. Well, half of it anyway.

Travis Barker & DJ AM Critical Condition!

Horrible! Late last night Travis and DJ AM were on a plane that crashed.

To get the latest info out, I copied and pasted....

Both are in critical but stable condition.

We're told three men and one woman were killed in the crash.

Travis was taken by ambulance to the Joseph M. Still Burn Center in Augusta, GA and is in critical but stable condition. DJ AM, real name Adam Michael Goldstein, was airlifted to the burn center and is also in critical but stable condition. Barker had performed Friday night with Perry Farrell, Gavin DeGraw and DJ AM. It has not been confirmed if Farrell and DeGraw were also traveling on the same jet.

Travis Barker and DJ AM were passengers on plane that crashed, critically injuring them and killing four others. The jet was departing from a South Carolina airport.

A FAA spokesperson said the plane carrying six people attempted to take off shortly before midnight Friday from Columbia, South Carolina when people in the tower report seeing sparks. They said the plane went off the runway and crashed on a highway embankment, catching fire.
Travis Barker and DJ AM saved their own lives after their plane crashed by jumping out the door of the burning plane, almost immediately after the small jet came to a halt.As we reported, both are at a burn center, but it could have been fatal. The Lear jet was already on fire when they fled.

Travis Barker has been burned from the waist down, but he is expected to survive the plane crash. DJ AM's face was severely burned and is being tended to right now. We're also told the tragedy is all the worse because one of the passengers who died, Chris Baker, Travis' assistant on "Meet the Barkers," was married recently and has a new baby.

I'll try to post more as more info becomes available. Of course you can follow up on Yahoo, the news and TMZ.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Travis and his family. Also to DJ AM.
And of course to the families of the 4 who did not survive.
So tragic.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Britney's back on the Frapp

Oh well.... we knew it couldn't last. But hey, is that her bodyguard? He's kind of hot. In a manly, head shaved sort of way. What can I say? Pretty boy Zac Efron doesn't do it for me. I like a man. A real man. A big hangin' man ...if you know what I mean.

Jessica & Justin

This picture is from the other week but I forgot about it. In fact I forgot what I was going to say about it also.

But I will say, Jessica always has such a bitch look on her face. Not so much in this shot, but you can feel it coming on.
Why does she feel all nasty and mean all the time? She should be happy. She has Justin Timberlake for a BF, who (imho) lost much of his hotness factor after hooking up with that dog Cameron Diaz.

But you know what? At least Cameron looks happier these days.

So, maybe Justin is a dick. Who knows. See? Told you this was going to be pointless. At least Jessica Biel has a fabulous ass. So she should be happy about that. Right?

Say Anything

“With any of the Miley Cyrus shit, or any of that Vanessa Hudgens shit—I would never issue an apology for my life and for who I am. It’s like, Oh, I’m sorry I took a naked, private picture that someone is an asshole and sold for money. I’m sorry if someone else is a dick. No. You shouldn’t have to apologize. Someone betrayed Vanessa, but no one’s angry at that person. She had to apologize. I hate Disney for making her do that. Fuck Disney.”

Megan Fox

I agree!!!

Dakota Fanning looks pretty!

Wow. Dakota Fanning looks awesome! She went through a really, really awkward phase for quite a while there. Wonky teeth and all.

She looks very cute but I will say she needs to wax those brows just a tad.

Monday, September 15, 2008

What in the hell kind of GD dress is that?

Jennifer Love Hewitt is wearing a horrendous dress. Awful! She looks like a murder victim in a hospital gown.

Kate Beckinsale

Here's Kate Beckinsale wearing a dress decorated exactly like her vulva, labia and vagina. We all know her favorite topic is telling us all about her crotch.

Only fitting that she should replicate it such as this.

J Lo is packed tight...

Jennifer Lopez still has a huge butt and that scuba suit simply cannot contain it. I am wondering what the heck happened to her boobs? While she never had huge ones, she had some. I'm sure the suit flattens them but it doesn't even attempt to squish that ass!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Perry & Etty Farrell

Perry and his wife like the oral stuff, ya think?

Hey, don't we all?
They do the other kind of sex too, because they have 2 kids.
Wanna know their names?
Hezron Wolfgang and Izzadore Bravo
You heard me.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Courtney Love & Francis Bean

Courtney Love threw Francis Bean a fabulous birthday party entitled "RIP Childhood" for her 16th birthday.

Courtney reportedly spent $323,000 on the party.

Wow. Sixteen. Already. And she really is a chip off the old block.

I am still pissed at Kurt for offing himself like that.


On another note...
Courtney does not even look like Courtney anymore.

All together now...


Brooke Hogan and Daddy Hulk's girlfriend.

Don't know her name, but I think we should call her Brooke-Linda.

It's The Weekend!

If you happen to get the munchies...

U can has a cheezeburger...

and the latest song lyrics.

Up to the minute news
Kiss Me Lyrics
New Found Glory
Show Time Lyrics
Young Jeezy
Love Lockdown Lyrics
Kanye West
A Milli Lyrics
Lil' Wayne
Fell In Love Without You Lyrics
Motion City Soundtrack
Baby I'm Back Lyrics
Break Out Lyrics
Miley Cyrus
Broken Lyrics
Back Together Lyrics
Love Remains The Same Lyrics
Gavin Rossdale
More blog tools found here.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Mary Kate and her boyfriend....

Mary Kate looks like she's gained some weight. Check those thighs... Thank God!!!
Anyway, here she is at a fashion show with her new man Nate Lowman.

A Dead Amy Winehouse

Dead to the world. Just in case you were wondering what Amy will look like as a corpse, well here she is. This will have to do until we see the real thing.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Jessica Simpsons Ass

Here it is. Jessica's hiney. This girl is desperate for attention. I didn't even bother posting the pics of her with the microphone shoved between her boobs...
But a shot of her bare ass?

Well, there you have it.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Dannielynn Birkhead

Danni had a birthday! She's already 2 years old and adorable!

Mini Me Sex Tape Stills

I am so sorry. I apologise. I know....
I am sick and disgusting. And I simply cannot help myself. But I have to post these photos.


You know you want to see them. If not, just scroll by

......really ....really fast.

I am going to say they aren't safe for work.

Even though what you do see will land you straight in therapy.

Has anyone watched the actual video yet? I'd love to see it but I ain't paying $10 to be scarred for life. Anyone got a free link? If so, HOLLA!

Minnie Driver Delivers!


Minnie Driver had her baby. A boy named Henry Story Driver. He weighed in at 9 lbs., 12 oz.

Big baby! Huge.