Friday, October 31, 2008

Chloe Lattanzi has new boobs.

Look at this...
Chloe Lattanzi looks like she bought herself some boobs. They are a little wide apart. That often occurs when they place them via the belly button or armpit...

Speaking of pits, she could use a little fat injected into that pit right in the center. I suppose they'd have to find a chubby donor somewhere. Ain't no fat on this girl. Well, maybe in her lips, but I am guessing it's all implant in there too.

Linda Hogan & Charlie Hill

Linda and Charlie sitting in a tree...








What?! Was that immature? I guess it was.
A true sign of maturity is 49 year old Linda Hogan carrying her 19 year old boyfriend Charlie's skateboard.
What a good mom... I mean, girlfriend.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Say Anything

"People would think I'd have enough money, but I do have a very expensive, or comparatively expensive, divorce. I feel angry sometimes. But my anger is not so much about sharing the property but having to go on working hard to provide alimony for someone who's already going to have at least 10 million dollars' worth of property. In my 70th year I will still be spending two months a year doing work that is of no interest to me and which is probably slightly spiritually depleting in order to feed the beast."

John Cleese

*That does suck....
Can't say that I blame him. C'mon now. That much cash is a huge payout. Go on now. Make your own way, ladies....

Gwen Stefani & Baby Zuma

First shot of the new baby. Gwen and Zuma Nesta. Weird name. Cute baby.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Katy Perry and her boobs, again.

Katy Perry molded her boobs for the charity called Keep A Breast. They make molds, paint them and auction them off.

I don't really think much of Katy. I am kind of about her.

What's his problem?

Shia LeBeouf looks really pissy in this shot. And what about that ratty old case he's carrying? He's a really odd dude.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Hilary Duff, what the eff?

What has happened to Hilary Duff? She looks so weird and horsey. I mean she has always looked a little neigh, but ... I dunno. Something is very off with her lately.

Jennifer Hudson's Nephew

Chicago police just found the white SUV and there was a small boy (dead) in the car.
Authorities are saying it is likely Jennifer Hudson's missing nephew, Julian King.
They found the car 14 miles away from the Crime Scene.
The Cook County medical examiner's office has sent investigators to the scene in the 1300 block of South Kolin, where the boy was found around 8 a.m. today, an office spokesman said.

This is horrible and tragic. I usually don't report on a lot of the current stuff. That's what TMZ and Perez are for. But I had to post this news. It is just unthinkable. Our thoughts are with this family who have (now) lost 3 members all due to violence and stupidity.

Traci Bingham is trashy....

Who dresses to match the trash? Traci Bingham, that's who. Traci, ever the attention whore drags out her busted up garbage can. And manages to color coordinate. Both at the same time.

Gwen & Gavin Halloween

Gwen and Gavin went to a Halloween party dressed as bacon and eggs. I suppose it's a cute idea but the costumes look kind of cheap. Or something. Weird.
Gwen always looks fab, even dressed as an egg.

Amy Winehouse, nope ....not dead yet.

They say she is off to rehab... or to the clinic for a chest infection (crack cough) depends on where you read up on it.

Anyway she looks like total shit. Filthy, dirty, torn up clothes. Hair growing on her face becasue she has lost so much weight her body is trying to keep warm. Etc. etc. So sad. And sick.

If you feel like puking click on the pictures and take a gander at those teef!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Heather Graham keeps it reaL...

Yeah. So Heather Graham has slightly saggy boobs. At least they are natural. And she is still hot, although I've heard she ain't too smart.

Oh well, she'll always be Roller Girl to me.

Tara Reid

Tara actually looks better with clothes on. Slutty, but better.

Michael Jackson

Weird. He really doesn't look too bad. But still, the guy is simply tragic, his whole entire life. Sad.

Poor Suri and her bad 'do

Why? Why do people do this to little girls? They should have long hair, no bangs. Especially when they aren't that cute. Not sayin' Suri isn't cute, 'cause dammit she is.
And of course it's just my opinion (shrugs)
...I think all little girls should look exactly like Ryder.
Now that is a Mommy who knows what she is doing.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

All Together Now...

Ew! Am I the only one that finds thie whole twin thing kind of yucky? And incestuous... Not sexy. Gross.

The only nice thing to say? At least they aren't sporting those huge, misshapen, encapsulated fake tits.

Guy Ritchie and new girlfriend?

I dunno. You have to take these things with a grain of salt. They say this is Guy's new woman, actress Kelly Rielly. She's cute. Their expressions are hilarious...

I have always adored Madonna, but really? Anymore she is just plain crazy. A total control freak. Who can live like that? All those rules and restrictions. And her appearance these days? I read a quote somewhere...

Guy said that cuddling up to her was like hugging on a piece of "gristle" ...or something like that.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Save Paris!

What if the eff has happened to Paris Hilton? She looks horrible! All the time.
And so thin.
Drugs?Eating disorder? I thought she was happy and in love. Happiness and love does not look like this.

Homosexuals are born not made.

Proof positive is one look at this photo of Samantha Ronson. Girl looks like a guy and it's not just the clothes.

Say What?!



Wrote (all caps is she yelling at us?) in her blog after ridicule over those busted ass brows.

I must say, damn, those eyebrows are screwy!

John Mayer puckers up...

Ew... does this guy get lip injections? Sure does look like it. Not to mention the ridiculous faces he makes while "performing" ....oh, 'scuse me, he is a serious artist.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Tara Reid's Amazing Ass

Really. How is this possible? Not just her dimply ass but the condition her legs are in. It is almost unbelievable.

Nicole Ritchie is adorable

...however the headband looks dumb. I am guessing that this trend will fizzle out fast. Nicole is calling this some type of hair jewely sort of thing.

I watched her interview on The Ellen show. She's cute, funny and very likeable. She did mention that she designed all of the funky jewelry she was wearing that day.

Mischa Barton

Another ridiculous headband. Does this look good on anyone? Not only does it chop your forehead in half, it makes your hair look bad.

Lisa Rinna is GROSS!

Lisa has always had big lips, but it is so obvious that she is injecting the crap out of them to make them even bigger and the result is really nasty looking.

I cannot believe that she thinks her mouth looks okay, but she must. Of course Lisa (like 99% of Hollywood) has had some work done, even Botox is considered work. So, why doesn't she fix those lips? Get a lip reduction or something? I know they could carve away some of that excess lip and toss it in the garbage like the tummy tucking 90210 doctors, right?

I'll bet she has plumped them up so badly and for such a long time that if she stopped they would look like deflated little slugs. You know.... the ones you see out on the sidewalk that didn't make it back into their hidey holes before sunrise?

So, the next time you notice one of those gnarly little critters, think of Lisa Rinna and her lips.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Jenny McCarthy Cures Autism?

How in the hell is that possible? Crazy. I just don't know...

The actress—who believes the MMR vaccine was to blame for her son's diagnosis —says a strict no wheat-and-dairy-free diet has changed her son from a quiet little boy who used to flail his arms around to a loving six-year-old. "Before the vaccination, he was huggy, lovey, snuggly," she says in the newest issue of Us Weekly. "Then it was like someone came down and stole him."

McCarthy, 36, remembers when Evan began to come out of his shell while watching a SpongeBob episode. "I heard Evan laugh...I jumped on the bed and started screaming."She adds, "When he finally hugged me, I prayed, 'Please God don't let this be the only time.'"McCarthy has become an outspoken advocate for autism awareness, often courting controversy along the way (doctors have accused her of creating fear of necessary vaccines). She's the bestselling author of five books, including her newest, Mother Warriors: A Nation of Parents Healing Autism Against All Odds.

"I made a deal with God," she explains. "I said, 'You fix my boy, you show me the way and I'll teach the world how I did it.'"

I have never heard of such a thing. How can this happen? Don't get me wrong I am more than happy that her son seems well now, but that is just crazy. Jenny said that she made some dietary changes for her son. Could it have been food allergies and not actually autism that was the problem?

Christina Aguliera

Christina is looking like one hot mess on a daily basis. This time her boobs look smooshed and painful, her hair is completely fried and as always, her makeup has been applied with a paintbrush.

He Is Outta There!

Travis checked out of the hospital and posted these pictures on his myspace.
While the birdy is for hospital "life" he is more than appreciative to everyone for the support from the hospital staff, family and friends that helped him through. He has a long way to go, but he is on the mend and happy to be alive.

Once again....

Miley and her tongue lolling out.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Britney Spears needs a razor...

Interesting... maybe I'll start calling her Pitney.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

DJ AM On The Mend!

And hitting up Starbucks. You can see the big bare spot on his head. Hopefully his hair will grow back! It should unless the hair follicles were destroyed.

Take a look at his arm... OUCH! I cannot imagine how painful that must have been. And probably still is.

Fergie looks awful!

What the eff?! Fergie looks terrible. I thought it was just one bad photo/angle but there are more. Man. How old is she??? Grey hair, saggy jowls, wrinkles? How can she possibly look this bad? It's weird. I'd almost think it was photoshop....
She needs to stop working on her fitness and fix her face. Go see Dr. 90210, stat.

Christina Aguliera

Christina looking like a kaleidoscope tranny clown.

What happened to her? She used to look cute and fashionable...then she went through that whole 1920's phase. Now? I don't know what to call it. But all that makeup is insane!
I don't know why all my pictures post so small... you can click them to make them bigger.