Friday, March 28, 2008

Get your story straight...

Steve O who is currently under lock and key is still posting on his myspace blog. The most recent was a post denying that he had asked to snort drugs off body parts. More to the point... womens breasts.

Or something about him wanting to. Or asking to. Or whatever crazy shit it was. He went on to write this rant vehemently denying that alleged act...

Posted Wednesday:

Something I Do Not Appreciate

I have always been a very candid individual,especially when it comes to the media. There is no
reason, and never has been any reason, for the press
to write stuff about me that is not true. The stories
that are circulating right now about me being at some
party hitting on random girls and asking to snort
drugs from their breasts are not true at all. I will
be the first to admit that I’ve snorted all kinds of
drugs, in all sorts of situations, but I take offense
to claims that I was running around hitting on random
women at a time when I was under the impression that I
was engaged to be married. I know many of you who are
in receipt of this message from me work in the media,
and I would greatly appreciate it if you would squash
this dishonest journalism. These stories are so
untrue, they place me at a party hitting on women when
I was locked up in the looney bin. I’m a tough guy,
with very thick skin, but that doesn’t mean I take
kindly to being lied about, especially when it comes

to behavior that took place after I asked someone to
marry me and before I was informed, by the girl I
asked to marry me, that she had completely changed her
mind about getting married. Feel free to write
whatever you want about me being rejected by my
fiance, because that is true, but, please, don’t lie
about me. I like to consider myself to be exciting
enough that dishonesty is not required to get a story
out of me.

Thanks, I love you all,


That's all well and good Stevie, but next time you deny deny deny, bet on a photo circulating to prove you wrong. I know it's coke on her thigh, but I am guessing he wouldn't have minded if it landed on her boobs.

And this fiance he is always going on about? A little scary if you ask me. He is very focused on her rejection. Not good. He should be concentrating on other things.

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