Monday, August 4, 2008

Pamela ate a burrito...

Meatless, of course.

Here is Pammy ...sporting quite a belly. Not that there is anything wrong with having a tummy. Just looks unusual on someone that is always so thin. Maybe baby? Maybe not.
I used to love Pam. But once she started marrying/divorcing everyone and waffling back and forth with all the men in her life.... I lost respect for her. It's all well and good what someone does in their personal life but she has two sons, little men actually, that she needs to set a good example for. So they grow up and have normal relationships. So far, not so good. Pam get it together.
Of course I'll be watching her "reality"show. I DVR'ed it. I had to. I was so sick of listening to that fake orgasm sounding soundbite that I had to tape it. Of course I'll hit the mute button.

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