Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mickey Rourke's face looks better?

Or not. I don't know. He always looks so dirty. But I like him. Everyone loves Mickey. He is so charming in a crashingly vulgar way.

I would love to do a make-over on him. He could look a lot better than he does. We could start with a shampoo...

He said his face got busted up from boxing and he chose a shitty doctor to put it back together. I think a lot of what he has going on could be fixed. It'd be expensive, I'm sure. I am guessing he's been broke for a while.

Not anymore!

Here he is with a picture of his dead (recently deceased) doggy Loki. He's wearing it on a cheap leather strap. Oh, well... I guess there really is no accounting for taste.

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