Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Say What?

“I’m clearly not a singer,” she says. “I wasn’t doing it to show off my pipes. Thank God I wasn’t singing the national anthem. But I thought it would be fun…I had no idea the backlash I would get.”

“It took everything in me to get up there and do that,” says Richards. “My dad and my sister kept saying, ‘Just remember you’re doing this for Mom,’ so that’s how I got through it. It’s just unfortunate that doing something good was turned into such a negative.”

Denise Richards

God, Denise. STOP with the mom stuff already. Trust me. Your whole entire family, mom included (God rest her soul) had to know that you could not carry a tune in a bucket. You did it. It was awful. You had to know it would be. Get over it.

That said... I like Denise. Just don't sing. Again. Ever.

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