Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Fashion, what is this? Do fashion and style always go together? Do they mean one and the same thing? According to specialists, fashion is actually a synonym for style or glamour. It has been agreed on the fact that fashion is a way of personal expression, and according to this criteria, you can be fashionable when you fits in this expression mode, or unfashionable. Fashion has manifestations in all the fields of human activity that is when we speak about fashion when we refer to topics such as architecture, clothing, music, cosmetics and entertainment, forms of speech or even politics or technology. Anything in these fields can be described as being fashionable or not. When we speak about materialism or trends using the term ‘fashion’, it can be associated with a negative meaning.
Majority today perceive fashion as a term referring mostly to clothes. The beginnings of what we call fashion today did actually refer to clothes and they go back as far as the sixteenth century. However, it was only two centuries later that the real manifestations of fashion took place and happened in Europe, between the wealthy upper classes. Fashion, just like any other manifestation of human activity, underwent major and continual changes.
It would be unjustified to assume that fashion is the same all over the world. First of all, fashion differs from one society to another. Then, within a certain society, there are a lot of factors which may influence fashion such as age or generation, social class, profession or occupation. Even the geography of related regions may bring about differences in fashion between the people of the same society.
How does fashion change? Because we all know that constant change is what fashion is actually about. Everyone will know that what is new now will soon become old, and the process goes both ways. Capitalism has brought along with its numerous good aspects some less appealing ones, such as waste. People buy things which are not necessary to them and consequently speed up the process of change as far as fashion is concerned. New generations have much to do with this change in fashion as well, because they are always eager and willing to try taking interesting things, things that they haven’t experienced before.
Actually the television has made fashion more popular among the people. The moment fashion hit television, in the late 1960s and early 1970s, was the moment when the general population became interested in this aspect. And fashion magazines, websites or even fashion blogs were only at their step.
Pretty much in the same way as fashion, style can refer to May things, from painting, music, literature, and web design to linguistics or manners of addressing people. The very definition of style describes the term as a fashionable manner of doing things, which points out that style and fashion are very closely related.
It is true that today’s world and the society and we live in the same set same rules and what fashion and style are concerned, but these don’t always have to be strictly followed. Being a fashion victim will only turn you into one of the rest. If you want to be ahead at all times, what you would try is to define your own style and that will make you look your best.

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