Sunday, June 27, 2010

Get Gorgous Summer Skin


Summer is all about digging into juicy, refreshing fresh fruit...but have you ever considered what an effective - and cost-effective - skincare solution it provides? Unlike many of the pricey department store lotions, face scrubs, cleansers and other beauty products, fresh fruit is budget-friendly and you know exactly what you're putting on your skin. Raechel Cunningham, licensed aesthetician and director of New York Laser & Aesthetics Spa in New York City, has hand picked some of her favorite fruits for a medley of do-it-yourself, homemade skin-tastic remedies to treat, moisturize and rejuvenate all your skin care needs:
  • Aloe Soothing & cool to the skin, and stops pain & itching. High in AloeEctin B, which stimulates the immune system.
  • Avocado Hydrates dry skin; filled with natural fatty acids, protein, Vitamins A and C.
  • Apples High in AHA’s and antioxidants. Great for dissolving flaky skin.
  • Baking Soda Neutralizes the Ph of the skin and pulls out excess heat.
  • Banana Contains Vitamins A, B, and C. Soothing and healing. The most beneficial part of the banana is the inside of the skin.
  • Blueberry High in AHA’s and antioxidants. Great for revitalizing dull skin.
  • Chamomile Soothes irritated skin.
  • Egg White Full of protein, eggs whites act as a tightening agent and is great for oily skin.
  • Garlic Purifying and antibacterial properties. Great for acne. Beware if you are not a garlic lover!
  • Green Tea High in antioxidants. Stimulates circulation and has anti- inflammatory properties.
  • Honey High in Vitamins C, D, E and B complex. Honey has natural effects on the skin and is known to be an antiseptic salve.
  • Lemon Packed with Vitamin C and AHA’s. Great for oily skin and acts as a natural skin lightener.
  • Milk Full of proteins, Vitamins A, D, & E. Has strong soothing properties.
  • Oatmeal Contains healing properties. Oatmeal serves as both an exfoliator and moisturizer. This is great for dry/sensitive skin.
  • Olive Oil High in natural fatty acids. This emollient is a moisturizing ingredient similar to avocado.
  • Strawberry High in AHA’s, BHA’s, and Vitamin C. This acts as a cleansing astringent for oily skin. Helps to even skin tone.
  • Sugar This is a natural AHA in which Glycolic acid is derived from. This is a great exfoliator for the skin.
  • Tomato Contains Lycopene which is excellent for the skin. This ingredient is great for oily skin. It removes surface impurities, exfoliates, shrinks pores and regulates skin tone.
  • Wheat Flour Thickening agent for skin remedies.
  • Yogurt Contains enzymes which aid in removing dirt and dead skin cells from the skin.

Raechel's Tips & Tricks for maximum fruit & veggie beauty benefits:

  • When selecting fresh fruit and veggies, it is best to use organically grown varieties. This will give you maximum benefits.
  • Fruit and veggie skin care is best used when prepared and applied on the same day. Avoid making more than you need for a single application.
  • Make sure you clean and sanitize all counter tops and mixing utensils before making any of the recipes.
  • Leave all ingredients out of the fridge for up to an hour before mixing. Don’t let the fruits get any warmer than room temperature.
  • Fresh fruits and veggies are very high in acids. Be careful not to overdo it. If you apply anything to your skin and encounter a burning sensation, remove immediately and apply cool water.

Beauty_6 CLEANSE:

  • Normal/Acne/Oily skin: Mix 1 tablespoon plain or vanilla yogurt with the juice of 1/4 lemon & massage onto skin. Rinse with warm water.
  • Dry/Sensitive: Moisten a chamomile tea bag with warm water. Gently massage moist tea bag in tiny circles around face to gently loosen dead skin cells.
  • Olive Oil makeup remover (all skin types): Take a paper towel and fold in half 3 times. Apply a drop of olive oil to paper towel. Keeping your eyes closed, wipe downwards from upper eye lid down. Avoid getting olive oil in the eye.

Beauty_5 STEAM:
After cleansing & before exfoliating, steam your skin to open the pores. Fill a 6 quart pot ¼ of the way full with water, cover with a lid and bring to a boil. (For astringent and tonic properties, add lemon juice to boiling water.) Take the pot off the stove and place it on an oven safe surface where it is a good height to lean over the pot exposing your face to the steam. For best results sit down at a table with a small to medium towel draped over the back of your head to keep the steam localized to the face. Steaming can occur for 5-10 min. Exfoliate after steaming.
  • Normal/Acne/ Oily: Combine 1 tablespoon of tomato juice with 1½ tablespoon of sugar, and massage in tiny circles all over face and neck. Avoid using near eyes. Rinse thoroughly
  • Dry/Sensitive: Mix together 1 tablespoon of yogurt with 1 tablespoon of plain uncooked oatmeal, and massage into skin with tiny circles. Rinse thoroughly
  • Dry skin: Slice 1/2 an avocado. Use the inside of the skin with avocado residue & massage into small circles over skin. Once you have completed the whole face, turn the avocado skin to the rough side and gently massage in tiny circles. Rinse thoroughly & prepare to apply mask.

  • Acne: Whip together a clove of minced garlic, ½ tomato with seeds finely chopped, 1 tablespoon tomato juice & 1 egg white. Apply to skin, and to ensure the ingredients stay put, either lie down, or unfold a gauze pad, cut out holes for your eyes and mouth, moisten & press against skin over the mask.
  • Dry skin: Whip together 1 mashed strawberry, 1 teaspoon of honey, ¼ avocado meat mashed & 1 teaspoon of wheat flour. Leave on 3-5 minutes.
  • Normal/Dry: Mash together 3-5 blueberries, 2-3 circular slices of a banana & 1 tablespoon of wheat flour. (If it's too firm, add a drop of apple juice.) Leave on 3-5 minutes
  • All skin types: Mix together ½ lemon, 1 tablespoon of honey & 1 tablespoon wheat flour. (If it's too soupy, add more honey or wheat flour.) Leave on 3-5 min.
  • Puffy eyes: Moisten 2 green tea bags with warm water and apply over eyes for 5-10 minutes while you lie down & chill.
Beauty_2 BODY CARE:
  • Sunburn relief: Into a bath filled with tepid water, pour 2 cups of raw uncooked oatmeal, 1 cup of milk & 1 tablespoon of honey. Soak for 5-10 min. Alternatively, pour 2 cups baking soda into cool-tepid water & soak for 10 minutes. After you get out of the bath, apply 1-2 aloe peeled aloe leaves...slimy, but a huge relief.
  • Dry/Ashy skin: Pour 1 quart of apple juice & ¼ cup of olive oil into a warm bath & soak.
  • Rough hands: Chop 3-5 mint leaves in a mixing bowl, and squeeze in 1/2 a lime. Add in 1 tablespoon each of sugar & olive oil. Massage into the palm of your hand working the product around. This is a great cuticle treatment!

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