Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hair Fall Control

some of case studies for hair fall control:

  • The rate of hair fall in women is slower than in men. In men the hair loss follows hereditary pattern.
  • Women also have varied complains of hair fall or loosing density, sometimes localized baldness. This could be due to the use of harmful shampoos or coloring products, and other improper styling of hairs.
  • Unbalanced diets and stress, anxiety, odd sleeping hours, anxiety is the major cause of hair loss in the modern generation of today.

How to control Hair Fall?

There are many hair fall control remedies which can be followed depending on the reasons of hair fall .Some of hair fall control are:

Dandruff Tantrum:

  • Sometimes the hair fall is due to dandruff in the hairs.
  • Many remedies can be applied to remove dandruff from hairs.
  • The massage of hair with warm coconut oil and the juice of lemon is a good one.
  • One should use an anti-dandruff shampoo for hairs having dandruff.


  • Sometimes scalp diseases due to bacterial or fungal infection can also lead to hair fall.
  • In that case, one should take medical help to get rid of infection and then hair fall, keeping the hairs oily or dusty should be avoided.

Hair Fall Control With Herbal Help:

  • For weak hairs, there is an effective remedy.
  • Make a paste with castor oil, Amla and Shitake powder, powdered fenugreek seeds, neem leaves paste and eggs.
  • The paste should be applied to the scalp and hair and leave it on for some time.
  • Then Washing off with a mild shampoo strengthens the hairs and prevent hair loss.

Regular Habits:

  • Hairs are basically reflection of our eating and sleeping habits.
  • Hair needs proteins vitamins and minerals in adequate amounts.
  • So, we should eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and milk for healthy hairs.
  • Some essential food items for radiant and strong hairs are Green and leafy vegetables, fruit and vegetable salads, coconut, cheese meat, fish, eggs, nuts, yoghurt and almonds.
  • One should drink plenty of water, fruit juice and soups.
  • Alcohol should be avoided as it is antagonistic to many useful nutrients that are essential for healthy hairs. Avoid much of tea and coffee.
  • All the items hinder the absorption of minerals crucial for hair health.

Activity of the Body:

  • The most essential and panacea for any kind of disorder in the body are exercises.
  • All kind of exercises whether yogic, aerobic, jogging walking are equally good.
  • One should exercise regularly and timely. It prevents hair loss and strengthens at the same time because it stimulates the circulatory system which ensures healthy blood supply to all the cells of all the organs of the body.
  • Ample blood supply helps in growth by regeneration and repair of hairs on the scalp.

Nature's Work:

  • All of us should remain close to nature.
  • Use of organic cosmetics for hairs should be avoided, natural and home made products should be preferred.
  • Frequent change of shampoos, treating hairs with various chemicals and dyes is very harmful and leads to hair loss, sometimes even permanent change in hair texture is seen.

Stress in Life:

  • One of the other important factors is stress.
  • Modern lifestyle is very rapid and running short of time to visualize and analyze the after effects of health threats like stress, anxiety, over ambition, failures, relentless routine etc.
  • We should really manage to squeeze out some time of our busy schedules to analyze the wrong habits affecting our healths and ultimately life.
  • We should try to change those habits and follow healthier routines and life style to remain happy and content.

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