Friday, June 18, 2010

Marriage Journey

Marriage is a journey of life time, which a couple must walk together to make the journey more lively and interesting

Marriage is a journey, which the couple, bride and the groom are supposed to cover together, with each others support and consent. The steps covered, the decisions taken should be in agreement and approval with the life partner. Marriage is a bond, of two beings, a bride and a groom, shared for a period, which is life long. The bride and groom, from the very starting of their marriage are made to take a pledge that whatever, they will do, will be in accordance to the each others life and factors affecting them. After a couple, gets married, their life is bound to move together, so it’s better, they go in the same direction. Moving in the same direction, does not necessarily mean being in the same profession, but the support and the togetherness the couple share is the most important.

The bride and the groom, after marriage, share all the ups and downs of life, its not a life of two individuals, it’s the life of one couple, which has two lives in it, but are suppose to walk together at every phase of life. Hence, resulting and acting like two bodies, which are interconnected, turning into one life, complementing the heart beats of each other. The life of both the persons in the bond corresponds to the flow and smoothness in the each individual’s life. It’s very rare, that the thinking or mindset of two persons is same, but the couple has to make sure, that they support and withstand the decision of their partner at times, when required. Not necessarily, the partner is always right; but, one must evaluate the decision with the futuristic point of view and suggest the other person, that this decision, taken, might land them to some problems in future.

It is the duty of every bride and groom, to guide and help their partner in taking important decisions of their life. The decisions, which affect the future and prove as life time decisions for the flourishment of their married life. The most important factor, which the couple should keep in mind, is the togetherness and the compatibility, which both of them share. One should always walk hand in hand with his life partner, so that each of them is present, when the other person is in trouble and holds him from falling. The bride and the groom are meant to be each others support, when the other needs a help and a shoulder to lie down and wipe his tears.

Leaving behind, the problems, without finding solutions to them, leads to more problems in future, so the bride and the groom, should always give due importance to their relation, and should not allow any problem to linger on. Discussing, talking about it and finding a mutual solution to it, is the best possible way, to move out of the hassle, created in their life. Marriage is the most beautiful bond, which a husband and wife share. The bond should be made strong each and every day, sustaining the longitivity, trust and dependency in the relation.

Friendship is the basis of every relation, and if a bride and groom are friends with each other, then their relation is meant to last forever. Because, as friends, one always tend to understand the weaknesses and strengths of his life partner, leading to a more smooth, solved and understood relation in between the couple. Also, misunderstanding and taking your life partner for granted can lead to great troubles. Therefore, whatever problem arises, one should try and bring out the solution to it, by discussing with the life partner. An effort should be made each day to add new flavour and colour to the married life, to make the journey of marriage more lively, interesting and cheerful.

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