Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tips Wearing Socks

Ever wondered why we really find the need to wear socks? After all, they're not exactly the most visible item of clothing to adorn our person. Well, to begin with, socks are designed to:

* ease chafing between the foot and footwear,
* keep the feet warm
* absorb moisture
* provide comfort
* absorb perspiration
* helps prevent athlete's foot
* fashion item

Beyond all this benefits, we must also consider wearing the right socks. Here are some tips and rules on choosing or wearing the best socks that fits for you.

1. Materials matters
Socks are available in a variety of materials these days including natural cotton, synthetic wool blends, wool, polyester and blends of two or more of these materials. Choose a material that suits your personal tastes. Some people are allergic to certain materials and if you find that you experience itching or irritation when using men’s socks of a particular material, you may need to select another in keeping with your body’s requirements.

2. White socks are only for sports
Probably one of the most violated rules of fashion -- wearing white socks outside of sporting activities -- is all too common. If you’re going to the gym, white socks are fine. They’re also fine, and actually even look better than black socks, if you’re playing sports outdoors or going for a run. Apart from activities where you’re going to generate a lot of sweat, however, white socks are a big no-no. Even with jeans you should wear black socks, so section off your sock drawer and keep your white socks close to your workout clothes and well away from your dress-up wardrobe.

3. Dress shoes require dress socks
If you’re going to wear dress shoes, you can’t wear athletic socks -- no matter what their color. For example, it’s simply not enough that your socks be black. The reason for this rule is the following: Athletic socks are often bulkier than dress socks since they’re usually made of heavier cotton or other materials, so they tend to bunch out over dress shoes. Plus, athletic socks are frequently ribbed and the contrast of cheap, ribbed socks against smooth, high-quality dress shoes looks odd. Instead, wear dress socks with dress shoes. They’ll be easier to slip in to your shoes and the finer, thinner material will mean that any attention focused on your foot area will remain centered on your swish shoes instead of your socks.

4. Know your climate
Light, natural fiber socks are the best option if you reside in a warm and temperate climate. Try and go for materials that absorb sweat and that allow your feet to breathe like a blend of wool and cotton. If residing in a cool climate, choose materials like wool that are known for their insulation abilities. You can also opt for some of the other synthetic fibers like polyester.

5. Choose the right type
Among the many types of socks available today are ‘wicking’ socks. These are woven from a synthetic material that draws sweat away from your skin, providing greater comfort and less irritation. Another type is the ‘breathing’ sock, which is usually made from a natural material that allows air to pass through the material keeping your feet cooler. You can also find "Diabetic Socks" for people with circulation problems. These socks offer thicker cushioning for the feet and do not hold your calf too tightly.

6. Thickness must be appropriate
The thickness of the socks is another major factor to keep in mind. Thin and natural fiber socks are recommended for warm climates while thicker socks made form synthetic fibers work best in cooler conditions. Experiment with different materials and thickness to arrive at your own personal preferences. Thicker socks also offer better cushioning to your feet.

7. Match your socks with your pants, not your shoes
When wearing dress pants or casual pants, apart from jeans, the color of your socks should be dictated by the color of your pants and not by the shade of your shoes. Black pants should http://media.canada.comobviously go with black socks, and brown pants with brown socks. The same goes for blue and gray pants. Choose your socks carefully for pants in other hues. Try out a few pairs of socks if you must in order to determine which socks match best with your pants. If you’re in doubt, a darker color usually works better. The reason it’s important to match socks with your pants is that when you have to take your shoes off or you sit down and your socks are exposed, socks that coordinate with your pants make your outfit appear more fluid. On the other hand, socks that don’t match your pants will break up an otherwise awesome ensemble.

8. Don’t roll or fold socks
Aside from the fact that you’ll appear as though you’re stuck in the worst part of the '80s, rolling your socks down around your ankles looks downright sloppy. Folding your socks looks slightly neater than rolling them, but it’s still strange because it makes your ankles appear bulky, especially when you wear tapered pants. As well, if you roll or fold your socks and then wear dress pants, your exposed, hairy legs will often be visible when you sit down, a look that’s unseemly for business or the office and definitely won’t win you any points with the ladies. Just wear your socks pulled straight up instead, since doing so will create a lean, coherent silhouette with even the most narrow leg pants.

9. Replenish socks often
Buy new socks at least once every six months to a year. You probably don’t need to buy an entire new collection of socks, but you should buy at least three new pairs. Socks go through a lot of wear and tear, and since they’re often not made from the best-quality cotton, they easily get holes. In addition, socks that are worn out, have holes or are seriously faded can devastate outfits that otherwise suggest you have a fabulous sense of style

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