Monday, August 23, 2010

Soap for Dry Skin

By Pradhnya Tajne.

It is important to take care of dry skin, otherwise the skin can become scaly, cause itching and even cracks can appear in skin. If you have dry skin then using mild cleansers and a good moisturizing products can help you keep the skin smooth and well hydrated. However, selecting the right products is important as some soaps or products can be harsh to your skin, and further strip the skin of the moisturize. The simplest way to take care of the skin is to clean it with a mild dry skin soap, then pat the body dry with a towel, and apply a moisturizer to lock the moisture in. It's that simple. However, if you are having extremely dry skin, and haven't paid attention to it, then giving 2-3 pampering moisturizing sessions to your body once in a week, will help to retain the moisture level of the skin faster. Here are the some choices of the products for dry skin, and tips on forming a skin care routine for dry skin.

Best Body Soap for Dry Skin
As already mentioned above the best body soap for dry skin is Dove. This moisturizing soap for dry skin is a mild soap and less drying compared to other soaps. Dove is formulated to have a pH neutral, which is between 6.5 to 7.5. Dove is made with ¼ moisturizing cream, and is one of the mildest cleansers. Go with the unscented variety if you have sensitive skin, or trying Dove for the first time as a skin moisturizer and cleanser. There are also other variates like Cream Oil Ultra Rich Velvet and Nourishing Care Shea Butter Beauty Bar of Dove, which you can try out to see if it suits you better than the classic White Dove. Other good dry skin soap brands are Aveeno, Keri, and Purpose.

Skin Care Regime for Dry Skin
Here are some tips to form a skin care routine for dry skin, which you should follow to maintain a moisturized skin.
  • Take a bath with any one of the above mentioned soaps, and water. The water temperature doesn't make any difference, so use water for a bath which is at a comfortable temperature.
  • Then pat your body dry with towel. You don't have to completely dry the skin. A little moisture is good.
  • For good natural skin care for dry skin use olive oil (the 100% pure variety, and not the virgin or extra virgin variety), and apply it all over the body nicely. If you feel that olive oil is too greasy for the face, then use jojoba oil, which is a lighter oil.
  • To keep your skin moisturized and clean during the day, use a mild cleanser. Mild cleansers of facial soap for dry skin like Neutrogena are great, you can carry a small face wash bottle with you when out for long hours.
  • After washing your face, if you feel your skin is very dry, then apply a little jojoba oil. If carrying oil is not a practical option for you, then use a light moisturizer for the face, and a lip balm for your lips.
  • We tend to wash your hands many times in a day, which can lead to drying of hands. So, after washing hands you can consider applying a moisturizer.
  • Then in the night time again wash your face with a mild soap, and wash your hands and feet with water if you wish to. Then pat your skin dry and again apply olive oil. If you take a shower before going to bed then apply olive oil to the whole body, to lock the moisture in.
  • The above tips were for the daily routine, 2-3 times a week you can also do mild scrubbing for skin exfoliation, then take a bath with milk to nourish your skin. To take a milk bath, add ¼ liter of milk, 1 tablespoon of almond oil, and few drops of essential oil of your choice and soak in the bath.
So, pick a good dry skin soap, and follow the above routine to maintain a smooth, soft and well-moisturized healthy looking skin!

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