Tuesday, January 22, 2008

70's TV Trivia

Name four spin-offs of Happy Days.


okay said...
I can only think of three:

Laverne and Shirley

Mork and Mindy

Joani loves Chachi

One more! It was only on for a few episodes....

*Blansky's Beauties.

Blansky's Beauties was a slight spinoff of Happy Days and Laverne & Shirley. The show took place in the 70's unlike the other shows were in the 50's.
Nancy Walker starred as Nancy Blansky who managed a group of dancers who performed in Las Vegas shows.
The show was actually decent and well written.
Caren Kaye & Bond Gideon were the two really beautiful cast members in this series.
Lynda Goodfriend, Pat Morita & Scott Baio all regulars on Happy Days were regulars in this series.

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