Saturday, May 24, 2008

Nicole Ritchie Mother of the Year?

What the eff?

Babytalk magazine is presenting her with their "prestigious" Golden Pacifier Award.

Um... because she is a former *cough* heavy drug user, drunk driving, jail bird, potty mouth, superficial reality whore that got knocked up and spewed an out of wedlock child from her well used loins?

Kidding. I like Nicole. And her boyfriend is cute.

Anyway the magazine said they are bestowing the award to Nicole because,

“Honoring Nicole Richie with a Babytalk Golden Pacifier Award might come as a surprise to some, but we felt that she deserved some recognition for her turnaround since becoming a mom.
“She’s grown up a lot since the arrival of little Harlow, and her creation of the Richie-Madden Children’s Foundation has demonstrated her efforts to set a good example by shining a spotlight on important issues affecting today’s families."


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