Thursday, June 12, 2008

So Wrong!

When I first saw the photos of Linda Hogan dancing with this really young guy, I chalked it up to... just a dance.

Well, apparently she is actually dating this guy and his is only 19!

Brooke Hogan is disgusted and upset by it and has told the media:

“I’m totally freaked out,” Brooke told an interviewer with E! “I personally don’t like it at all or condone it, but she’s my mom, so I have to show her support.”

Brooke went on to explain how the family met Linda's new BOYfriend:

“I went to school with him. He was a grade under me…Me and Nick know him well. Me and Nick are two years apart, and he was right between us (in school).”
Really, Linda. This is kinda gross.

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