Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tips to Stay Young

The thought of growing old scares everyone.

The secret for better aging is to feel good about yourself and treat the symptoms that come naturally in the process of aging. You don't have to just live with these symptoms and feel bad. You have to embrace what you have and feel good about yourself.

Avoid your obsession with aging, and you'll be surprised just how much weight you've lifted off your shoulders.

You should feel that same person 20 or so years before. What matters is not how you look on the surface, it is who you truly are deep down. This may sound like too much of a cliché, but then again, this became a cliché for good reason. Inside, you still have the same dreams and many of the same interests. In fact, aging has only had its rewards. The years should have taught you to be more confident and happier in your own skin. You may constantly obsess about the fine lines and deep crevices you see in front of the mirror, but has this done anyone good?

If you follow the steps listed below,you can stay forever young and beautiful.

Unfortunately there are no miracles drugs. Sadly, no Fountain of Youth but there are some things you can do to stay young and healthy looking without anything too radical. Lifestyle Habits are the main thing to consider. Following some simple steps will help you look and feel better. It will also save you a ton of money and keep you out of the plastic surgeon's chair.

1. Eat Healthy:
Eat a balanced, healthy diet, including five helpings of fruits and vegetables a day.

2. Exercise:
Exercise has so many benefits. Helps maintain good posture, alleviate stress and increase blood flow. Once you see the positive affects it brings you'll be hooked.

3. Sleep:
Sleep is a natural healer for mind and body. It's easy to say sleep 8 hours every night but often not as easy to do. Do try to get on a schedule that gives you enough sleep. Your body restores and repairs itself during sleep.

4. Smile Gorgeous:
Your smile is something people notice. Take care of your teeth. Make sure to get your regular dental check ups and cleanings. If you notice your teeth becoming discolored buy a teeth whitening product. These are very reasonable now and they work. Avoid smoking, coffee and red wine as they can stain teeth.

5.Love Your Locks:

Find a happy middle. Avoid wearing hair too long. As you age it becomes less flattering. Avoid wearing it too short. A severe short hair cut can also tack on the years. Have bangs! Bangs soften the face and are flattering on anyone. Avoid blunt cut bangs. Try side swept or long layered bangs

6. Give up smoking:
Smoking destroys the natural proteins in the skin collagen and elastin. It decreases the blood supply to your skin. When you smoke your pucker your lips. Over time those pucker lines will become permanent. Lipsticks bleeds down into them making your lips look dry, crackly and well old.

7. Less is More:
Avoid being heavy handed with make up. Certain cosmetics can actually age you. Foundations and Powders often make fine lines look more prominent. They look more like "wrinkles" Use anti aging products and keep it light.

8. Be Fashionable
Keep up on style trends. Make sure you know what works for you. Don't give up your age by wearing outdated clothing. Be modern and express your amazing taste with your clothing.

9. Stay Positive
We are all our own worst critics and we often judge ourselves to harshly. When you look in the mirror don't take note of the crow's feet take note of your lovely brown eyes. Be kind to yourself. Everyone ages. There is no way around that but we can make sure we do it gracefully. Remember that you are Beautiful. Take Pride in that.

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