Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Gag me with a penis....

This story is making the rounds and will be featured in the new book by Jon Holmes coming out this summer titled Rock Star Babylon.

Included in the book is a rather gnarly story about Tommy Lee and Nikki Sixx. According to rock legend lore the two decided to have a nasty dirty "contest" of sorts. Both holding out on all personal hygiene for several weeks, but still be able to bang groupies. Without grossing them out.

The story goes that Nikki was receiving a blow job from a girl who became so repulsed by the stench of his dirty wiener that she puked. During the act. Spewing out her earlier meal of pasta and tomato sauce. This prompted the fiasco known as The Spaghetti Incident.


Can't wait for the book to come out. I've read lots of biographies and autobiographies in the past and some of the best and raunchiest have been about the guys from Motley Crue. Yup, they really are a motley crew.

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