Thursday, February 14, 2008

Greetings from the Big House

Lane Garrison (Prison Break) is currently doing some hard time for driving drunk, crashing his car and killing his teenage passenger in the mix.

He recently sat down and wrote this letter to Access Hollywood:

“Greetings and Happy New Year to you and everyone at Access Hollywood from Donovan State Prison. Never did I think I would be saying the words ‘happy & prison’ in the same sentence and not be on a set. It’s pure irony coming from the show and now living the real deal. It’s surreal and mind-blowing to say the least.”
“Just this past Monday they let a group of inmates watch the season premiere of Prison Break. It felt like an out of body experience as I stood around a crowd of tattooed felons watching Michael Scofield try to escape … all of us longing to be free as well!”
“This has been the hardest year of my life. I hope people, young and old, are learning from my mistakes and what can happen when you drink and drive. I have much to say about the pain I’ve felt and seen inside of prison. It has been eye-opening and a harrowing experience.”

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