Monday, March 17, 2008

Did he really?

They are saying Brandon "Greasy Bear" Davis is broke and crashing at Scott Storch's place. The other night after a load of partying, Scott woke up to discover his $100,000 watch missing. From the same room Brandon slept in.

A source said, "The next morning, when Scott got up, Brandon was already gone - and so was Scott's $100,000 diamond encrusted watch that had been in the same room the night before. Scott called Brandon and told him the watch was missing but, 'It's OK - I just got a new security system, so everything's on tape.'"

A source said that Greasy immediately started crying and promised Scott he would bring the watch back. Scott felt bad, so didn't call the police. When asked about the incident, Scott said, "I heard about this. Give peace a chance."

Ha. Funny and interesting. To me anyway ;)

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