Monday, September 22, 2008

A blown tire?

Copied and pasted:

Experts are saying that a blown tire may have been the cause of the shocking plane crash that has left Travis Barker and DJ AM in the hospital and four others dead.

National Transportation Safety Board member Debbie Hersman said that a voice on the cockpit recording can be heard responding to a blown tire. The crew intended to abort takeoff when they heard a sound consistent with a blown tire. At that point, the pilot and co-pilot may have had mere seconds to react.

While nothing is certain yet, pieces of tire were found on the runway 2,800 feet down the 6,800 feet long runway. The tiny Learjet - which is so small that it cannot complete direct transoceanic flights - may have already been traveling 90mph when it lost the tire, and quickly losing runway, the crew would have had only moments to decide whether to abort or take off.
The plane requires at least 5,000 feet to get airborne, and at a top speed of 138mph, that runaway goes in the blink of an eye.

The recording also indicates that attempts to get off the ground had failed, sending the plan careening off the runway, into a fence, across a highway and into an embankment, bursting into flames.

Travis and DJ AM received support from fans this weekend, who gathered outside the hospital with signs of inspiration.

Investigations continue to determine the exact cause and timeline of the accident. In the meantime, Dr. Mullins adds, "Anybody who can survive a plane crash is pretty lucky."

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