Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Reese Witherspoon's new movie "Penelope" is about a pig-faced girl who goes through life being an outcast.

Reese said that she wishes her kids will be bullied and teased in school, because she thinks it's important. She said she was teased for being short and for wearing coke bottle glasses.

She said, "Those are sort of formative experiences. I wouldn’t want my children to miss out on any of that teasing and bullying. Don’t you think it kind of makes you who you are — when you don’t make the soccer team?"

She also doesn't think kids should be overpraised, "That’s the thing that drives me crazy about today: Everybody wins the award, everybody’s the MVP? No! They’re not, OK? I distinctly recall the two weeks of crying because I didn’t make the volly ball team. But it made me interesting, you know?”

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