Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Ali Lohan is 14 goin' on 40

Sorry, but I know most 14 year olds do not look like this. The hair, nails and make-up. Sexy, short, tight clothes.... The pushed up boobs!

I watched the Living Lohan show and frankly I found it exhausting. All the work and ass kissing it took to get Ali to even sing was ridiculous. This kid needed so much begging, pleading and cajoling just to stand up to the mic. Much less to sing. She is a spoiled rotten brat that has no clue as to what hard work, drive and determination really is.

She was handed such an amazing opportunity to make that album. And she was totally unprofessional about it. And those were the things we were shown. That's how the show portrayed her! So, you can just imagine....

Then you think about all the kids that really do have talent and ambition, that are willing to stand and wait for days on end just to audition for 30 seconds on American Idol.

Not really fair is it?

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