Monday, July 14, 2008


This is disgusting. And hard to watch. Shameless, going on a TV show and exploiting this child. For cash ...because you know they got paid.

As we all know, Michael Lohan had an affair with this woman. Apparently a child was born (Ashley) and this bitch (sorry, but that's what I call someone that makes life a lie for their kid) pretended that her husband fathered this baby. Well, they split up and now she wants to comes clean that Michael is the dad. She thinks. Still waiting on the paternity results. Actually the kid does look exactly like Michael. I'll be surprised is she is not his kid.

Here is mom and Ashley on "ET" ...really. You gotta watch it. It is a whole new low. What kind of mother does this?

Oh, I know... the exact same kind of mother that Michael chose for his other kids. What an awkward position this places everyone in. And who gets hurts the most?

The kids. All of them. Sad.

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