Thursday, July 10, 2008

Brigitte Nielsen is a relic!

Brigitte Nielsen is planning to undergo a huge transformation and everyone gets to watch. She will be getting nipped, tucked, sucked, drained and veneered. Everything from her forehead to her thighs will be worked over. And all video taped.

I wouldn't mind watching this. Remember that make-over show The Swan?

I found that shit to be fascinating. Although every damn one of them did turn out looking like a tranny hooker... it was rather impressive.

Anyway, the whole point of this post was that I read somewhere Brigitte is 44 years old.


C'mon now? 44? Um, nope. I am not buying that.
54 maybe. Is she really 44? If that is the case I am never touching another drop of booze again. Well, okay. I'm lying. I'll still drink it but I'll chase it with a shot of Botox.

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