Thursday, July 3, 2008

Don't wanna go there....

But I will.

Thomas Beatie (the world famous pregnant "man") gave birth to a baby girl today.

Okay. Look.

This is really NOT a man. It's not. She is a woman that took drugs to alter her appearance to generate manly characteristics, facial and body hair, deeper voice etc.


She (he) is still genetically a woman. Not a MAN. This is not a pregnant man, despite the hype.
Any person, male or female can take a hormone regimen and alter their genetic fibers to make them appear more masculine as indicated by what Thomas Beatie has done.


For all intents and purposes Thomas is still a woman. Albeit... "he" has removed his (her) breasts via a double mastectomy (nice scars btw) and has enlarged her (his) clitoris with hormones to resemble a tiny penis.... Yes. I heard it said, right out loud on Oprah. Male hormones make a clit grow big.

Still. This is still a woman. Not a man. Last time I checked, a man does not have a uterus. Therefore they cannot carry, support or nourish a fetus. Or much else for that matter.

To sum it all up? This manly looking chick was impregnated via in vitro fertilization (turkey baster) ....did a 9 month gestation period then had a small female infant removed from her body via c-section.

Good luck to this kid. I am sure the road will be rough. Hopefully there will be a lot of love, peace and tolerance.

And cash. For all the sharing. The Oprah show and all the interviews for all the magazines thus far. Now, they'll cash in on the baby photos... Who will be the highest bidder?

So sleazy. So scandalous.

Gotta love it, right?

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