Friday, July 18, 2008

Katie Holmes has weird hands?

This is so strange. I found this picture over at Perez Hilton's site. It shows Tom supposedly holding Katie's hand and her hand looks, well... kind of strange.Now, lets think about this. That hand looks dark. There is a darker person standing next to Tom. But he is a guy and the hand Tom is holding looks small. Plus that guy is kind of far away and why would Tom hold his hand? All jokes aside.

Then again, it could be his son's hand who may have been cropped out of the shot. His son Connor is darker skinned.

Or it could be a photo shop, because the angle is a little off.
Or something is going on with Katie's hands.

The only reason I am giving this much thought is that it seems Katie has been hiding her hands lately. Like in this photo from earlier this week.

Weird, isn't it?

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