Friday, July 25, 2008

Sherri Shepard just STFU, already.

Sherri Shepard gave an interview that revealed she had a lot of abortions. A whole lot of them.....

About the abortions she can't count... She said the full quote was that she had suffered a lot of shame and guilt and that “a wonderful woman at one of the women’s conferences I speak at came to me and said, ‘Sherri, you know when you get to heaven all your babies are going to be there saying, ‘Hi momma.”and it just kind of freed me and I knew that Jesus had forgiven me.

Um, yeah. Okay.

Those tiny little fetuses are going to pull themselves back together after being ripped to shreds and embrace her for all of those self inflicted disposals of their tiny little lives.

Sorry. I am not rabidly for or against abortion. To each their own.

Just not when you use it as a form of birth control. Stupid Bitch.

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